#!@TCLSH@ # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:filetype=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # convert existing port image directories into compressed archive versions package require macports 1.0 package require registry 1.0 package require registry2 2.0 package require Pextlib 1.0 umask 022 array set ui_options {ports_verbose yes} mportinit ui_options # always converting to tbz2 should be fine as both these programs are # needed elsewhere and assumed to be available set tarcmd [macports::findBinary tar ${macports::autoconf::tar_path}] set bzip2cmd [macports::findBinary bzip2 ${macports::autoconf::bzip2_path}] if {[catch {registry::entry imaged} ilist] || $ilist eq {}} { # no ports installed puts "No ports installed to convert." exit 0 } puts "This could take a while..." # list of ports we successfully create an archive of, to be used to update # the registry only after we know all creation attempts were successful. set archived_list [list] set installed_len [llength $ilist] set counter 0 set archive_required [expr {$macports::portimage_mode eq "archive"}] foreach installed $ilist { incr counter set iname [$installed name] set iversion [$installed version] set irevision [$installed revision] set ivariants [$installed variants] set iepoch [$installed epoch] set installtype [$installed installtype] if {$installtype eq "image"} { set location [$installed location] if {$location == 0} { set location [$installed imagedir] } } else { set location "" } if {$location eq "" || ![file exists $location] || ($archive_required && ![file isfile $location])} { # no image archive present, so make one set archs [$installed archs] if {$archs eq "" || $archs == 0} { set archs ${macports::os_arch} } # look for any existing archive in the old location set oldarchiverootname "${iname}-${iversion}_${irevision}${ivariants}.[join $archs -]" set archivetype tbz2 set oldarchivedir [file join ${macports::portdbpath} packages ${macports::os_platform}_${macports::os_major}] set olderarchivedir [file join ${macports::portdbpath} packages ${macports::os_platform}] if {[llength $archs] == 1} { set oldarchivedir [file join $oldarchivedir $archs $iname] set olderarchivedir [file join $olderarchivedir $archs] } else { set oldarchivedir [file join $oldarchivedir universal $iname] set olderarchivedir [file join $olderarchivedir universal] } set found 0 foreach adir [list $oldarchivedir $olderarchivedir] { foreach type {tbz2 tbz tgz tar txz tlz xar zip cpgz cpio} { set oldarchivefullpath "[file join $adir $oldarchiverootname].${type}" if {[file isfile $oldarchivefullpath]} { set found 1 set archivetype $type break } } if {$found} {break} } # compute new name and location of archive set archivename "${iname}-${iversion}_${irevision}${ivariants}.${macports::os_platform}_${macports::os_major}.[join $archs -].${archivetype}" ui_msg "Processing ${counter} of ${installed_len}: ${archivename}" if {$installtype eq "image"} { set targetdir [file dirname $location] } else { set targetdir [file join ${macports::registry.path} software ${iname}] } if {$location eq "" || ![file isdirectory $location]} { set contents [$installed imagefiles] } file mkdir $targetdir set newlocation [file join $targetdir $archivename] if {$found} { file rename $oldarchivefullpath $newlocation } elseif {$installtype eq "image" && [file isdirectory $location]} { # create archive from image dir system -W $location "$tarcmd -cjf [macports::shellescape $newlocation] * > [macports::shellescape ${targetdir}/error.log] 2>&1" file delete -force ${targetdir}/error.log } else { # direct mode (or missing image dir), create archive from installed files # we tell tar to read filenames from a file so as not to run afoul of command line length limits set fd [open ${targetdir}/tarlist w] foreach entry $contents { puts $fd $entry } close $fd system "$tarcmd -cjf [macports::shellescape $newlocation] -T [macports::shellescape ${targetdir}/tarlist] > [macports::shellescape ${targetdir}/error.log] 2>&1" file delete -force ${targetdir}/tarlist ${targetdir}/error.log } lappend archived_list [list $installtype $installed $location $newlocation] } else { registry::entry close $installed } } set archived_len [llength $archived_list] set counter 0 registry::write { foreach archived $archived_list { incr counter ui_msg "Updating registry: ${counter} of ${archived_len}" set installtype [lindex $archived 0] set iref [lindex $archived 1] set newlocation [lindex $archived 3] if {$installtype eq "direct"} { # change receipt to image $iref installtype image $iref state imaged $iref activate [$iref imagefiles] $iref state installed } # set the new location in the registry and delete the old dir $iref location $newlocation registry::entry close $iref } } set counter 0 foreach archived $archived_list { incr counter set location [lindex $archived 2] ui_msg "Deleting ${counter} of ${archived_len}: ${location}" if {$location ne "" && [file isdirectory $location]} { if {[catch {file delete -force $location} result]} { ui_warn "Failed to delete ${location}: $result" } } } mportshutdown exit 0